So while all of, well, everything, was going on...there was a lot going on in the background.
About a month prior to giving birth, I was placed on modified bed-rest. Basically, 10 minutes of moderate activity followed by sitting down. There was a lot I couldn't do, so my mom dug out my grandmother's old travel wheelchair out of the garage and the hubby and I used it whenever we needed to. It was also June and I work in a non-air conditioned building. My administrators were really great about making sure I was always in an office (which is air conditioned) or on a first floor room that maintained some level of cool. Stairs were starting to become an issue, too.
I gained more weight from weeks 20-30 than I did from weeks 1-20. This was aided by my mother!
Living at Home
The hubby and I had been house shopping for a year-and we were finally in negotiations for the perfect house, when the owners pushed back the closing date (they did a lot of other terrible things and I wished death on them many times throughout the whole process). So, instead of moving into our new house, we moved back home with my mom. On the plus side, there was central air conditioning! The hubby had a very long commute, but my mom stuffed us to the gills, so that was nice. My mom also become my chauffeur-which she stayed for quite a while.
We finally closed on our house on a Monday, did all the demolition that needed to happen on that Tuesday and Wednesday, then that Friday I had the baby. My mom and hubby had to tell the crew what happened. The contractor was shocked and the painter actually cried (they are really good guys).
Renovating a House
Renovating a house is a very large project, and I'd been doing a pretty good job so far. I had most things picked out or decided on before the baby came-mostly because my mom was chauffeuring me around everywhere. But once I was "off the job," so to speak, decisions came to a screeching halt. I couldn't leave the hospital bed and run to the kitchen guy to figure out a shelf problem. I would add this issue to the category of 'rich people problems.' But I still don't recommend doing any household renovation while you're in your 3rd trimester.
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