Friday, January 18, 2013

Miscarriage Number 1

We didn't realize that miscarriage number 1 was a miscarriage until I was about 4 or 5 months pregnant with Lily, our currently 6-month-old bundle of awesomeness.  It's all hindsight, right?!  What should have been clues: my June period was extremely light, I gained 10 pounds between June and July, all in my midsection, causing me to not fit into the dress I had planned on wearing to my cousin's July wedding (it's okay, the alternate was beautiful, and the wedding was in Denver, so it's not like I had to impress any of my snobby New York friends), while in Hawaii on our honeymoon in July, everything smelled-the ocean smelled like raw sewage, the hotel lobby was overwhelmingly pineapple-y, and there was a store that I couldn't even pass because the perfume stench was so overwhelming it made me want to throw up (and this was in Wailea-the gold coast of Maui's pristine beauty)-oh, and I was eating like a heifer.  What...I'd never been pregnant before! I didn't know that my already super sniffer nose would turn into a blood hound.  Plus, I'd been withholding prior to the wedding, so I deserved to indulge a little bit (I ate an entire bag of Hershey's macadamia nut Kisses in two days...damn, I was blind).

When I got my period at the very end of July it was a whopper...mind numbing cramps, extra heavy...I was down for the count.  I figured that my body just hated me.  It's not like we're on good terms anyway, so this was my body's retaliation for lying on the beach, swimming in the ocean, getting a massage, etc...I am never allowed to have fun because I always end up paying for it.  I'm used to my body's retribution being I.B.S., so this was a different sticky wicket (I should also mention that I'm obsessed with all things BBC).

But, we didn't realize any of this at the time, so it never really phased us.

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