Something else they don't tell you about miscarriages-you are most fertile after you have one because your body viewed being pregnant as a sudden homeostasis, and it wants to get back to that homeostasis. Plus, medically speaking, it's no longer frowned upon to get pregnant right away, either. My OBGYN said something to the effect of "let's see if we can catch that next egg." I should've switched practices then and there, but I was too traumatized.
Once the bleeding subsided, hubby and I figured we should track my ovulation because we had no idea when or how my cycle would start up again. We had sex at the "appropriate time," ONCE, but we really didn't think anything would come of it. In my haze of mourning, I thought getting pregnant again as soon as possible would somehow erase what happened and bring me back to happy happy land. People grieve in different ways. Having sex during Christmas Break seemed like a good way to deal with everything. I mean, as Jews, there really isn't much else to do around Christmas, other than eat Chinese and go to the movies.
New Year's day we had another couple over to hang and have dinner, watch the football game and just catch up. "Mr. and Mrs. R" were a lot like us-same age, married around the same time, living in Manhattan, and talking about having babies. Preface: "Mrs.R" likes to drink. I don't mean that she's hooked to a bottle of Jack Daniel's-her drinking is not a derogatory comment. Quite to the contrary; aside from my hubby, "Mrs.R" is the most fun drinker I know! She is absolutely hilarious with only half a glass of wine, so we asked ahead of time what she would like. When "Mr.R" gave some half-baked excuse that "Mrs.R" had too much to drink New Year's Eve, I immediately knew that she was pregnant. I went out and bought a bottle of Martinelli's sparkling apple juice just in case they had an announcement for us. I was determined to put the "G" jealousy behind me and be positive for my friends. The hubby and I decided that if they didn't make an announcement, we would hold onto the bottle for whenever we were pregnant. They didn't say anything, but "Mrs.R" was pregnant (I'm always right about these things), and as it turns out, so was I.
Later in the week I had a dental appointment, and I knew that they needed to take x-rays. I figured, what the hell, and I took a pregnancy test. There was one very blue line and then one very faint blue line next to it. I didn't think it was right, so 24 hours later I tried another test. One very blue line and then a quasi-faint blue line next to it. I was very confused. I called my mother who, hilariously, said "Get a test that says 'pregnant' or 'not pregnant.'" It said pregnant. This time, we told no one, other than my mother who already knew because I clearly needed counseling over which pregnancy test to buy.
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