My fibroids had been assholes throughout
my pregnancy. Don’t know what uterine fibroids
are? Well, they’re non-cancerous tumors
that, believe it or not, the majority of women over 30 have, but most will
never know about them. Mine were the
special annoying kind. One was located
on top of my bladder, making me think I had a U.T.I. for a few weeks, and then
another one developed. By the end there
were 3 of them.
As your uterus grows and swells from
increased blood flow, so do fibroids.
They grow and grow and grow until they get so big that they outgrow
their blood supply and die (degenerate).
And they don’t always die in one shot-nope, it could take a couple of
tries. I’ve heard horror stories of
women, late in their pregnancies, in the hospital on narcotics trying to cope
with the pain of degenerating fibroids.
One of my fibroids was so large that I
could feel it on the outside of my body.
No joke. I could feel the
roundness of it, poking at my bladder, growing up my side as my tummy got
larger, sometimes even vibrating (and not that good kind of vibrating)-and then
it started to degenerate. By the end of
my 2nd trimester through my 3rd trimester, every 3 or 4
weeks, I would feel this horrible pain on my side, sometimes sharp and
sometimes dull, but always present. I
didn’t get out of bed-I would just stay in my room for the weekend or the 2-day
period until the pain subsided. I
thought it was done degenerating-sadly, I was wrong.
The hubby took paternity leave Lily’s
first week in the NICU, and by the end of that week (Lily’s 1st week
birthday), I was in the E.R. with suspected appendicitis. I woke up that morning with some extra pain
in my belly. I thought it was because
the drugs had finally all worn off, but as the pain increased and I couldn’t
physically stand, we became worried (especially after the NICU nurse told me
that this wasn’t normal). I called my
OBGYN and he had me come right over.
First he checked my uterus (stupid plastic dildo) then palpitated my
stomach-the pain had moved from side to center, and my doctor was very worried.
He called ahead to the E.R. and told
them to accept me immediately-he was worried I had appendicitis.
A week post-partum and a newborn in the
NICU and there I was, sprawled out awkwardly on a gurney in an E.R. hallway
because there were no more rooms available, while nurses took blood and asked
what was wrong-I was in so much pain that my position kept alternating between
standing, sitting, lying down, hunched over, etc... Hormonal and miserable about the possibility
of being further kept from my child, I just cried and begged to be able to see
my daughter. I mean, she was just
upstairs, in the same hospital-couldn’t I be evaluated upstairs? At one point even I knew that I was being
hysterical, but I couldn’t stop myself.
My mother sat on the gurney while the hubby called his family from
outside the E.R.
The next step-drink barium so they can do
an MRI. Here’s the deal. I’ve never done a shot-never, never in my
entire life. I downed a beer once and it
was the worst experience because it tasted like swill, old, carbonated piss. I’m
not good at taking medicine if I don’t like the taste. So what makes you think that I’ll be able to
drink 2 bottles of this chalky, white, milky, disgusting, throat coating, vomit
inducing crap?
Turns out the pain was from the fibroid
finally degenerating. The E.R. doctor
seemed surprised that I was able to handle the pain without narcotics, and he
was more than happy to prescribe anything I wanted. He also seemed surprised that my OBGYN didn’t
pick up on this one, especially since I had a history-strike 3 (or 3 million)
against my OBGYN. I should also mention…the
E.R. doc was pretty damn cute. Never
hurts have something pretty to look at.
I climbed into a wheelchair and the hubby
elevatored me up to see the baby.
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